First of all, I'd like to wish all my readers a very 'Happy new year' and secondly apologize for the long interval I'd taken due to million reasons. Year 2009 was the best year of my 21 years of life. I can call it a milestone wrt to personal & professional life.
Many a changes took place which are indeed very nostalgic to me.
Firstly , I passed my BE with distinction being a cherry on the cake ;).
Second thing was getting placed in QUINNOX and thus kick-started my career in August.
Thirdly, bought my female-companion, my Rodeo, a beast on road.
Both families, mine and my fiance (lover for 7years) made things formal in December.
Ah! how could I forget the blogsphere, received my first award from Leo.
Made my maximum posts this year with all 16 followers joining this year.
What more can be asked for?
I'm loving it! Hope this year would be the same extending the progression.
Wish all of you this year would be a progressive one, bringing in a lot of happiness, good health and luck ;) .
Keep reading.