She hastily woke up tugging the towel till her bare shoulders to reach her handbag. The long ringing call went to a halt before she received. There were already 15 missed calls from Diwakar, her husband. She waited for the call for the next 2 minutes and pulled back into the blanket her boyfriend lied in. It was 10minutes past,and there again the call, this time with much thoughts running in perplexion she received....
Diw: Siya, where have you been from so long?
Siya: I....er...I....I'm still at the parlor doing my last touch. I came late for the appointment and hence I'm still not finished. I'll be there with you in other half an hour darling.
Diw: Are you aware that I gotta catch my flight at
Siya: Of coarse sweetheart! Will be there...... TC... Bye......
She hung up and threw the cell casually on the bed in frustration.
Rahul: Siya why can't you just say the bhastard you are not interested to carry on the crap?
Siya: Oh c'mon Rahul this is no time to talk, and please don't start this all again. I can never do that. I'm in a hurry than ever. He's leaving on a business meeting to
She pulled her purple satin gown from the bean bag, it fit her svelte figure perfectly. She hackled her hair back to her usual style and pulled them into a high pony. It was 4:50p.m by now. She hurried towards the parking lot and started her black Swift out of the basement.
Siya: Rahul, what you doing here? (she asked pulling her glass down)
Rahul: Oh Siya...... ( he neared her and kissed her before she could say anything)you'd forgotten....
With no time to react she sped off the street towards home. She was married to Diwakar 4years back. Diwakar being a big business magnet had no much time for personal life. Diwakar traveled out states every 15days on business trips but bought her expensive gifts a fewer times. They had completed their 4th Anniversary recently when he had gifted Siya a grand diamond necklace. All was well between them, till she met Rahul(her gym trainer) at the mall.
Diwakar sat near the lounge on the vast crystal seat busy making calls. She obediently made her way to him and sat next to him while he was still busy on a call. He spoke nothing about the incident but to her dismay he seemed more casual, easy and exited as well.
Siya: "Did you win the contract?"
Diw: "Oh, I got an oversea call assuring positive air about it and I'll be off on this issue for a week. I miss you dear. Everytime I've to leave I feel so helpless and miserable, that’s the reason I buy so many gifts as a compensation. I know its no heed to my presence. And I always have this with me" pointing to her picture in his wallet.
She melt in guilt and bent down completely feeling ashamed of her act a few hours ago. She thought she could never forgive herself. Immediately.....
"Darling could I drop you to the airport?" she offered.
Surprised by her offer he quipped "No..no...no....I'll manage, will be back soon and we can celebrate a vacation" he kissed on her forehead and headed to the car. He was gone.
She dumped into the leather sofa next to the vast aquarium trying to introspect her life. Diwakar's words echoed time and again into her ears. Her thoughts were interrupted by a ring on Diwakar's cell. He carried three phones for personal, business and overseas call. He had forgotten his personal cell on the crystal seat he was sitting. It was 1 unread message.
Darling, I'm so sorry. I'll be late but will make it before the flight takes off unlike last time. I'll be wearing the ruby studded gown you gifted me last tour. Love you....
- Yours SUSAN
She immediately checked the call log to find almost all outgoing and incoming calls to Susan's number. Hard to swallow what she saw, she called her friend working in the local telephone exchange and queried the call history for the number. She was asked to wait for an hour. Meanwhile she browsed through the messages and gallery. She was faxed the details in an hour. She impatiently read the through the details to realize her husband had been dating Susan from past 4 years. .
PS:- Susan was titled Ms.Mexico and had just kickstarted her career in Fashion industry. Susan was her younger sister.
9 lightenings:
Made for each other jodi :D
Yet another 'married for society but will live for selfish desires' pair, nicely written, could have polished a bit though.
I guess its a very common scenario in real life esp in higher strata of the society. Both are not @ all made for each other.
How do manage to make that twist in all ya stories n writings? Truly adorable.
thats a heart wrenching story!
but sadly a bitter reality of a few people today!
well written!
keep writing1
god bless!
Yeah! I think now its near reality after making the few changes .
There are people like these. Thanks for the visit!
hey ya thanks! manage? I write just like that. :P
:) Yes I agree with you. My bows.... and thanks a lot! :)
that's why they saw..
you reap what you sow..
world is round...it might just come back to ya!
haha well said shradha...
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